Mobile Pedagogies Chapter

A chapter telling the story of the Our Town Project was published in the book Critical Mobile Pedagogies. It was written assuming that by now the codes would be permanent fixtures but the Covid-19 Pandemic has delayed that. So instead you can read the chapter and follow some of the codes virtually. Until we can go and play outside once more!

In our local park in Pontypridd, Wales, a code at the bandstand links to a video of a brass band playing and a collection of stories from local residents recounting the music they have played or listened to in that place. Another code links to a series of ever-changing challenges associated with the bandstand; musical composition, an exercise in hypothetical event planning, the mathematics of the circular structure and paths leading to it, the history of public entertainment in parks, the science of acoustics. Over at the playpark, primary school classes are challenged to see how many people can fit on a giant see-saw; then taken to the trees, to collect and sort sticks and leaves of varying sizes into sets; and on to the war memorial to reflect on the reasons for war and poppies and to see the photos and hear the stories told by their grandparents; and finally to the historic Old Bridge, a collection of artwork and poems written by schoolchildren.

Download the pre-print here